Friday, August 14, 2009

Some Train Photos

That I Thought I Had Lost.


These Were Taken Last Year When I Still Had My Olympus Camera.





Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Map Of Were R.F.R.R Is Located

Home Of Rialto Flyer Railroad (© 2004-2009 Rialto Flyer Railroad)

RFRR Gets Another Addition.

After Much Thought While Designing The Service (Now Storage) Yard 3 New Additions Will Be Constructed,

1.)An Old Time Mountain Coaling Mine Co. & Passenger Excursion Train.

2.)Full Service Diesel (This Will Be The Service) Yard. 

3.)Rail Museum. (It’s A Storage Area For Items To Be Worked On For Now)


Here Are A Few Teaser Photo’s Of The Mountain Area.


100_0862 100_0863  100_0864


And Here Is A Scratch Built Bridge That’s Going To Be Added Also.



Southern Pacific GP30 Kodachrome #5017

HQ* Photo’s Of The Failed SPSF Merger Paint Scheme (Kodachrome)

**These May Take Time To Load Depending On Browser & Internet Connection**








Sunday, August 2, 2009

33 Days To Go Till Launch Day.

Yea I Know,This Sounds Like A Count Down To A Rocket Launcg...LOL But I Really Am Exited To Head In This Direction For This & FunTime Trains Sites. Here Are A Few New Pics To Check Out.....




